Dr. Abhishek Manu Singhvi, MP and Sr. Spokesperson AICC addressed the media At AICC Hdqrs. today.
Dr. Abhishek Singhvi said as I have told you already this is going to be a fight of Modi Vs India. This is now a fight of Modi’s ‘Thagbandhan’ with the ‘Janta’s Janbandhan’. When I heard the Hon’ble Education Minister talking of anarchy after Modi and after us namely the Government, I was reminded of Emperor Louis the XV famous remarks his wife made it “Apres nous de luge” (after us the deluge- the flood !). We all know what happened to King Louis XV and his wife they lost the war, they were completely insulted and thrown into the dustbin of history.
Today, all of the BJP the Ministers, every part of that organization is running around trying to fulfill the I, Me, Myself syndrome of one man. They are, therefore, forced to become court jesters and Yes, puppets because I, Me, Myself must be freed out net and that is the reason behind remarks like ‘After us Anarchy’. Before us there was anarchy for 60-70 years, we have ruled only for 4-5 years now and a few years earlier. After us there will be anarchy! It is this arrogance of power this completely misplaced sense of infallibility, indefeasibility and arrogance which led to, you all know what happened to ‘Humpty- Dumpty’ and what fall he had. Incidentally, since political memory is short, we need to remind ourselves starting very recently in this term itself that is why we are awake at the mastery at which the Prime Minister misleads the Nation, making casual comments, poking fun at alliances- understandings, seat adjustments, using politically cheap words for them- forgetting that he has just come out of the world’s most unholy alliance in J&K. I repeat the words, the most unholy alliance. And not only did he enter into the world‘s most unholy alliance, he ditched the alliance midway after running for four years two Governments – one in Jammu and one in Kashmir. It is this Prime Minister, this BJP which is lecturing us, sermonizing us on alliances. Of course, we cannot expect their memory to go back from 1977-79 when they were very happily in alliance with Left, of course, that is Mr. Modi’s dictionary called unholy alliance.
They forget the alliance of Vajpayee had and, of course, they want to forget although they themselves are in alliance of many-many parties. Those parties are now scurring up to desert a sinking ship. 14 have left and the queue to leave is getting longer by the minute as we speak. So, friends, if Mr. Finance Minister is right about legacy of chaos, and if the Hon’ble Education Minister is right about lack of vision and legacy of chaos, well, then there must have been chaos in J&K earlier with Vajpayee Ji, earlier in 1977-79. All this is done because there is genuine terror in the hearts and minds of the BJP and its factotums around the Prime Minister downwards. The genuine terror arises from the unprecedented rainbow coalition. The convergence of political forces opposed to this rotten dispensation which gathered recently at Kolkatta which has led to terror, fear and absolute panic in the hearts and minds of the BJP and the Prime Minister and obviously to cover such blunders as in the Farm Sector, as in the denial of jobs and as in scams like Rafale, as in mid night knocks and tax terrorism, as in misuse of agencies etc. that these remarks bespoking at attempts to form alliances are being made.
Friends, our second point is of course, relating to the great friend our friend Mehul Bhai. Mehul Bhai Choksi! It now appears that Mehul Bhai is not going to be friends anymore because he has decided not to ever return to India, his Indian passport stands surrendered. And the Antigua citizenship having come, we want to juxtapose that with the earlier and the recent statements not once but by innumerable times by the Prime Minister, by his colleagues about getting him back in ‘X’ days ‘Y’ days.
! Utter hypocrisy and again misleading the people of this country again, why, to hide hard figures because hard figures are not contradicted by ‘Jumlas’.
One hard figure and a single hard figure tells you the whole story – in one year 2017-18 bank frauds in this country have increased by 72% and I personally took a briefing some weeks ago and there is yet no answer, no clarification. These are Government figures; we do not run a Government publication agency. The total debt of India has risen 50% from Rs. 54 lakh crore to Rs. 82 lakh crores. This is the hard figures based reality Vs Modi Ji’s ‘Jumlebazi’.
The third and last point I quickly want to touch upon friends is this whole approach to governance, as governance by subterfuge, governance by cheating the people of India, the governance by being over clever, too clever by half – an example is now published by you and has come to light. One way is to appoint wrong people by using your brute majority when the Prime Minister, a Cabinet Minister and a third person, be the Chief Justice or a third person is in a Committee and we have seen some very bad examples of that. All the opposition leaders e.g. we see in some bad examples that we see in CVC and CBI but now Modi Ji has found a better way – why bother about selection committees because selection committee at least has list of the opposition. It may have a Judge or Chief Justice. It may have someone else. So, she has avoided Lokpal for all, these years in Gujarat and here.
He has found a new way. The new way is to instruct his departments of the government of India who constitute the search body to put in the first place before the selection committee names which are skewed which exclude the eligible and the desirable and include the undesirable and the less intelligence. So, the pool which you have to select from automatically gets distorted and skewed. Well, what happened here was we know have a statement from the people that a number of persons who were very keen and apply, their names were not included by the search departments of the government of India, not put in the first place before the selection committee which selected the Information Commissioners and the CIC and mind you the selection itself was done after delays of months and keeping the post vacant for many-many months and reducing the Information Commission to a cripple. So names of persons desirous of applying in writing excluded by whom, by government departments – obviously at the instructions of the I, Me Myself Mr. Modi and then the names of those who have not even applied included. Those names also you have in the press today. They have said never applied, I was not even knowing about this but either because someone was close to a Minister, someone had been in the Minister’s personal staff and someone has other direct obvious link known to all of you, his name is put by the search committee or the search group. Obviously the pool of those whom were to select gets skewed. This is the true chaal, charitra, chehra, the true ‘pehchaan’ of Mr. Modi and his Government. We have given three concrete examples. For all three of them manifest the basic approach to governance by subterfuge, governance by ‘Jumlebazi’, governance by misleading this nation.
English question at 27.35 mts. On the question that Shri H.D. Kumaraswamy has said that Ms. Mamata Banerjee has all the capability to be the Prime Minister of the country, Dr. Singhvi said Mamata Banerjee had said yesterday that and many other leaders on the dais said so, I do not think Mr. Kumaraswamy means what you are trying to imply that to me. All of them said in my presence that matter of Prime Ministership is deliberately is a red-herring created by the BJP. We have many PMs but we all have a very-very strong discipline amongst us common objective which will enable decision of Prime Ministership after the figures are out. This is such a simple; straight forward sentence Shri Rahul Gandhi said so, Ms. Mamata Banerjee had said so. So many others have said so.
So, merely because the BJP tries and Mr. Kumaraswamy was there and I think he has absolutely no problem with this. So, I think he should take it in that context.
To another question on Karnataka MLAs, Dr. Singhvi said there is no fighting. I think the BJP stands exposed. The official version which we have heard it, somebody suffered a fall. This is your version, I don’t know about it but let me tell you one thing Yes, you can ask us in jest or in seriousness but will you ever ask the new definition of politics in the last few years in every State that the BJP by sheer money power and the rates in Karnataka are frighteningly high is going around state after state, sour grapes having lost the elections trying to bribe MLAs. It is an open secret – your questions are based on that. Now what is that display of about a political party is ruling in the country. It is openly trying to lure MLAs; we have heard of it in Tamil Nadu, we have heard of it in Karnataka, we have heard of it in Karnataka earlier, we have heard of it in Gujarat, we have direct evidence virtually. There are five more States I can name – what about the bribe givers of the alleged bribe given or the attempted price given?
(Vineet Punia)
Communication Deptt.