Dr. Abhishek Manu Singhvi, MP and Spokesperson AICC Addressed the Media

 Dr. Singhvi said that on 11.08.2013 Shri Modi said “This Government of Delhi cannot provide security to the nation. This Government, neck deep in vote bank politics, cannot provide security to our nation”

Now when the Pakistani army this week shot dead our jawans, I want to ask the Prime Minister, he had promised, he will not tolerate these things. What is the reason that a country of 125 crore is silently tolerating? 

May I ask the same question to this prime Minister?

On 11.08.2013 he again tweets saying “India is going through a troubled situation. China intrudes our borders, Pakistan kills our soldiers time and again but the Centre does not act”.

On 20.05.2010 on Naxals he said the Government should take the sternest steps possible against Naxal violence.

Now when Pakistani army this week shot dead our jawans, I want to ask the PM, he had promised he will not tolerate these things. What is the reason that a country of 125 crore is silently tolerating.In last 35 months there have been 172 terror incidents. It is more than double of 85.

Minister said this is not incursion, it is transgression. This is a difference without distinction and a distinction without a difference.

Modi Ji said on 11.08.2013 in the capacity of CM at that time had said “Shame, Shame, Shame on you who are running the Government of India. You are spraying acid on the wounds of 125 crore Indians”. 

About China he said in Hyderabad in an election rally he said “China intruded into our territory, but the Government instead of forcing it to return, signed deals with it, agreeing to withdraw our own troops. It is shameful that the External Affairs Minister, despite repeated incursions by China, went to Beijing and praised the City”.

 Now we ask this question – On 24.03.2017 in Parliament – MoS

(Defence) had said “No Chinese incursions, only transgressions”.

 Shri Subhash Bhamre, MoS (Defence) replied that Government takes up transgression along the LoC through established mechanism. As both sides undertake patrolling up to their respective perception of the LoC transgressions do occur.

Chinese intrusions are only perceptions. Chinese transgressions occur due to difference of perception.

Dr. Singhvi said this is the most hypocritical double faced; double speak Government this country has ever seen. This is the most hypocritical, double faced, double speak Prime Minister because the PM has given abuses on far lesser violations to the previous Government and today with an absolute straight face, everybody in the Government of India is out to defend what is happening.

I had given you on 5 parameters – J&K, North East, China, Indo-Pak and Naxals.

On each parameter, it is distressing, it is horrifying, and it is most painful that there is 100% increase. The facets are Civilian deaths and Jawan deaths. In all of these five – in J&K, North East, in Naxals, in China and in Indo-Pak, I have given you the exact figures. I have given you the quotes of Mr. Modi when he was in 2013, speaking Now when the Pakistani army this week shot dead our jawans, I want to ask Prime Minister that he will not tolerate such things – why is the country of 125 crore suffering silently and then he said Shame, Shame, Shame on you who are running the Government of India, you are spraying acid on the wounds of 125 crore Indians.

In the case of China, we are treated to a semantic jugglery which would make any lexicographic expert blush; the jugglery is, Yes, these are “transgressions”, not incursions by China. But the transgressions also are only matters of perception. Who is giving clean chit to China – Shri Modi’s Government – and what is China doing to you – apart from playing Jhula with you at Sabarmati – it is giving you the biggest insult slaps on Hafeez, on renaming 6 towns in Arunachal Pradesh, on opposing you in UNSC, on opposing you in Security Council – any number of things.

So, why the Government of India and the Prime Minister perceptionally seek to tango with these things and seek to give only Jumlas towards the reality.

This is absolutely shameful, it is deplorable and we hope and trust that they will at least suffer the embarrassment of coming clean and admitting that they are helpless in the face of such terrible violations costing us dear in terms of the lives of our precious civilians and our jawans.

On the meeting between Mr. Modi and Ms. Mehbooba Mufti’s request for talks, Dr. Singhvi said there is a horrifying 100% increases in civilian and jawans death in J&K for 35 months comparisons. Why is that happening? Why is that J&K seems to be on auto pilot. Why is that in J&K there are two Governments – one in Jammu and one in Srinagar because as you know dialogue is done where there is a commonality of approach. I can’t dialogue with you if you are the North Pole and I am the South Pole. Unfortunately, a Government formed in haste, steeped in greed of power, cemented by nothing except the greed of power, and has not been able to function for a single week in J&K.  

They have therefore, had a listless, directionless Government which is leading to a complete lack of coordination on the ground. What is the point of having a high-level meeting between the CM and the PM when you are not able to control a single cadre of your in respective two coalition parties? What is the use of having these high level photo opportunities if you are not able to deal with the police, the administration, the process on the ground.

We have just a 7% turn out in elections. I am not saying that we have magical wand in J&K. We have never claimed that but did you ever feel the sense of alienation – both in voting and in actions on the grounds from 2004 to 2014 in J&K. I would request the Government to put its hand on its heart and answer that honestly as we see today that they are scared of having the bye poll in Anantnag. The Government has asked in one bye poll 75,000 security personnel.

We are more worried about attacks by Pakistanis, by terrorists, by Naxals and by other elements. First let Shri Modi deal with those attacks.

Secondly, we cannot do more than highlight for you with facts and figures. You are the conscious and the voices of the nation. If we have conveyed through you the anguish which the whole country feels, then I feel it should reach the right ears.  

The point is that you have done this jingoism, constant talk of 56”, this constant ‘jumlabazi’ what you are achieving on the ground. Now today half an hour ago you have statement as if you are speaking from a mountain and we are at the bottom of gutter of valley by India’s highest Law Officer that we will not talk to anybody.

I do not know how I can answer your question, what is the Government of India’s policy. Today I will talk to Pakistan; tomorrow Mr. Modi will take a flight for Pakistan to have a lunch with Shri Nawz Sharief. The day after that you will talk and the fifth day one of your emissary will talk in Thailand. This lack of coherence is not merely a political point of attack which you are asking me. it is with tragic sorrow that we believe that this Government is completely failed and in on high horse. You see the kind of offensive arguments coming for the last 3 days from the Government’s spokespersons.

On the leak of Dhingra Commission Report, Dr. Singhvi said I want to be as clear and firm as possible and I don’t want it to mistake in any manner as either aggression or threat. I want to state with the most or I call language of studied moderation as some very strange things are happening.

I can understand the Government, both Central and State and a ruling party which is steeped in vendetta and blinded deliberately leaking the so-called Dhingra Commission report unless the Government briefed it, the only other person who could have leaked is Mr. Dhingra and I do not want to say more to that.

Now while someone leaked it, I would exhort each one of you to be very careful because there are two court injunctions dated 23.11.2016 and 26.04.2017 by no less than the Hon’ble High Court of Punjab and Haryana injuncting any publication of this report while recording a statement of the Advocate General of Haryana in these two orders. In case where Legal Advisers of the Press here have not paid attention to these orders, I will repeat the date 23.11.2016 and 26.04.2017. Technically you would all, and I am sure the most of you have not done it, committing contempt of Court, if you publish the contents of the Dhingra Committee report. Why is this done? So this is the first point. You are having selective, opportunistic planted, directed leaks to what is known as ‘damnation by innuendo and insinuation’ with the Court injunction operating and a statement of no less than the Advocate General of Haryana as recorded. So, how is it in public domain?

Secondly, why was this injunction granted? There are two main people whose name you keep throwing up – one is Mr. Vadra – Mr. Vadra was not even sent a notice or summon by the Commission. Kindly tell me under which rule of law and we are the largest democracy, have you heard that the report can damn without even calling you and giving a notice. Remember, I am not talking of notice 8B or 8C – no notice at all was sent to Mr. Vadra. So, can you have a report which says Mr. Vadra did this and that the other where admittedly he received no notice. You may be any Commission. You are a Judge.

The second name ofMr B.S. Hooda admittedly he never got what is called 8B notice. 8B Notice says I can’t record anything against you as a Judge or as a Commission of Enquiry. If I want to record even a word against you, I have to send you an 8B notice. It is common admitted ground that no 8B was sent, in the case of Mr. Vadra no notice was sent at all.


Mr. Hooda wrote to Mr. Dhingra saying that he has not received 8B notice, you have sent me as general letter. The Commission said to him writing that we are not sending you a 8B notice in which case that everything you are reading in the Commission Report which is leaked deliberately, can’t be relied upon in the eyes of law.

Remember the good old cases – the names of these cases are very interesting. Two main cases are L. K. Advani Vs Union of India and Ms. Kiran Bedi Vs Union of India. One was always BJP, the other has become BJP. Those two cases hold the principle and without the 8B Notice, you can’t hold any Commission of Enquiry. Here, the report is injuncted by court order; I fail to understand how can any newspaper publish it?

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