Dr Abhishek Manu Singhvi’s book launch was a high profile event with both Vice President Venkaiah Naidu and former PM Dr Manmohan Singh being present. The book is essentially a collection of his writings on judiciary, governance, society and even terrorism. The launch was followed by a lively panel discussion between Singhvi, P. Chidambaram, Dinesh Trivedi, Jyotiraditya Scindia and Kanimozhi, moderated by Barkha Dutt. When asked to comment on President Pranab Mukherjee’s impending visit to the RSS HQ, Chidambaram pointed out that since the invite has been accepted, his advice would be to go there and tell them what is wrong with their ideology. Interestingly, Prakash Javadekar, who was supposed to be present during the panel discussion, did a no-show. When the panel discussed secularism, Scindia quipped had Javadekar been present, then it would truly have been a secular panel. Know more…
June 2, 2018 in
Print Media